Dawn ’til Dusk Recording Studio with Kayla Hilton

by WBlackwell on November 5, 2017

When I was last in Manchester,UK, I had decided to visit the city after the terrorist bombing that killed too many people at an Arianda Grande concert in the Arena.  My parents lived for 60+ years in Manchester, CT the 3rd oldest city of that name in the world and all my siblings were born there (I was fortunately born in Boston) so I had a feeling of solidarity, and  hence the Yank Manc tee shirt.  At an Armed Forces Day program in St Peter’s Square I heard a young (11) girl sing a moving song in remembrance of those who died with such confidence and competence the I recorded a song.  I then asked her parents, Nicki & Dave Hilton if I could post it on FaceBook and my website to which they agreed.  Apparently, Nicki showed the video to a friend who was looking to book some acts for a local charity event and after seeing Kayla booked her. One thing lead to another and I was invited to hear her practice at Dave Darlington’s Dusk ’til Dawn Recording Studio housed in an old warehouse.  This set up reminded me of the many business so housed back in the silk mill town of Manchester, CT.

I have permission to post a few songs.  There are many more but since they are a holiday surprise, Kayla has asked me to hold off on them for the moment but I will share them at a later date.

Since Kayla is 11, I found this song’s title somewhat ironic


I asked Kayla, who has the best smile ever, what her goals were with her singing.  Britain’s Got Talent I offered? No she said, shows like that only want people to embarrass themselves and fail.  She likes to sing for fun but would not be opposed to becoming a professional one day and has promised me that I will have a seat at the family table at the Grammy’s when she gets there!

My thanks to Nicki and Dave for the invite and to my pal Kayla for her talent.

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