July 14, 2015

by WBlackwell on July 17, 2015


E. Mary Geach Blackwell Sept 3 1949

This will be short.  Dad was 92 on July 14 but we will not remember that so much as the death of my mum that day sort of took precident.  After fighting her illness for 2 1/2 years (the doctors gave her 6 months) she finally succumbed.  Three weeks prior she was still reading and using her walker.  Two weeks ago she was restricted  to a wheelchair.  A week ago she was bed-riddened and put on a four hour regime of morphine.  Dad was in the room as was her aide when the aide called out to her that she saw angels.  Who am I to argue? Escorted to heaven (and if Mom is not in heaven, I doubt anyone is) by angels without fear or pain does not strike me as the worse way to depart ” the mortal coil”.


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Sarah Blackwell October 23, 2015 at 7:38 pm

What I find interesting about this photo is how I can see your reflection taking the picture in the glass of the frame.


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