Museum Island Berlin

by WBlackwell on December 9, 2017

In addition to the National Gallery there are four museums on the island.  Pergamon, Neus, Altes and Bode.  I went to the first 2 the same day in that order so I’ll just put all their photos on this one post.

It boggles that mind that pottery created in 700 BC on the left, a wine mixing bowl or the one on the right 600 BC and still not only exist be be appreciated for their beauty.

These Greek helmets are from 650 to 500 BC


During a break in the Trojan War Achilles and Aias play a board game around 500 BC with Satyrs and Hermes on the other side

And these are not plates but wide drinking cups

A wounded Amazon and an actor

The detail on this vessel is amazing

And suddenly I’m in a huge room with all these

A warrior’s breastplate, spear, canteen and shield.

A cemetery figure & vase

These figurines are from about 500 BC

On the left a funeral relief and then statues from the 1sr century AD

Amor & Psyche showing joy


And a greyhound with an itch.  Early FB pose?

Centaurs fight cats are mosaic

A satyr and Hermaphroditus followed by some unusual lamps in a very phallic display  room

Green Caesar


The state is actually two separate ones. The head is not the original. And the head of Hadrian of Wall fame

Marcu Aurelius and Empress Livia as deified

A lot going on here with Hercules slaying a monster


A market area from ancient Rome.  The effort to dismantle and the reconstruct is astounding.  Couldn’t take a photo first!


The floor mosaic of glass and stone

Assyrian art


The Art of ancient Egypt

How could the gladiator wearing this helmet even move?

For some reason one had to stand about 30’/10m from Nefertiti to take a photo.  Both my zoom on my Panasonic and my patience waiting for people to get out of the way paid off!

This is the best remaining “Golden Hat” of the Bronze age.  The detail is impressive

And this photo of a 30,000 year old German and me (which is which?) got great laughs from others who I took it and the most response of anything I’ve put on FB

Out of a window the roof of the Altes Museum


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