A wee bonfire in Plockton

by WBlackwell on December 29, 2016

My hirsute look confused a couple of the lads at the 5 o’clock Club in the Plockton Inn, but once I opened my gob, they recognized me by the accent. My stomach was a little off due to a dodgy roast beef sandwich I had before arriving since the 7:30 breakfast at my hotel had yet to turn the lights on at 8:15  so  I headed for the train station without eating.  If you miss the 8:55 train the next is after 5PM and I had no desire to spend any more time in Inverness. Not that it is a bad place, just lacking stuff to do.   I did see a nice rainbow on Boxing Day though.

When I told folks at my various stops on this trip I would be in Plockton for Hogmanay those who had been there would always comment on the good seafood they had had there.  No wonders as the Plockton Inn is known far and wide for it’s seafood. Even at breakfast.  My scrambled eggs were accompanied by a generous portion of smoked salmon.  Other offers are kippers, smoked haddock with poached eggs and a very good “Full Monty” the traditional Scottish breakfast. I will have each one.

There will be a bonfire on the island in Plockton Harbour New Years Eve that they light with rockets! Can’t wait.  Kenny had mentioned the night before that they could use all the help they could get setting it up so I volunteered.  These folks don’t mess around.

I jumped in Brian’s truck to head to Ewan’s place to grab wood.  I had assumed that we would load the truck up and that would be that but nooo.  This was the first of two loads.  I’m told that the Nov. 5th bonfire was 10 loads!

Then the lads got serious.

Since the tide was out the tractor just drove out and dumped but we had to muscle a few pieces into place.

Kenny climbed up to run a line around the pyre so the wind doesn’t negate our hard work by toppling it all over. This will be some blaze.

After a busy day I needed to refuel and since I’m at a world class seafood restaurant, tonights meal is an old favorite, skate wing. Yummmm!  Then it’s off to quiz night which, being naturally heavily UK orientated, I am rubbish at.

I have no plans Thursday, at least until evening when it’s there will be the local music session,  as I expect after today’s efforts my fibromyalgia should be roaring.

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bernie December 30, 2016 at 10:27 pm

The bon fire is a great story Seeing all the wood wasp erfect like the old boat.

Happy new year



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