Isle of Wight

by WBlackwell on October 27, 2015

When you look at the map, Portsmouth doesn’t seem much of a slog from Folkestone but the railroad line isn’t direct. The ticket agent was most helpful and gave me a printout to reduce all stress.  P1040271You head towards London, switch trains a couple times and then, once in Portsmouth one takes the ferry to Isle of Wight (IOW). I could have taken the hovercraft if I wanted to pay up for a ten minute ride but I opted for the more leisurely catamaran ferry.


The day  was a good one for sitting on the open top deck so that’s where I ended up and Portsmouth is quite the harbour.

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Once I got to my hotel I took a walk around Sandown then headed back to take advantage of pool, jacuzzi & wet sauna.

This morning was rainy so I bought a 24 hour bus pass and ended up at a place called the Needles.P1040278 P1040279 P1040280

From there I got back on the next bus to see more of the island but that was interuputed when the electric bus simply stopped running.  Nobody on the bus, including the driver had ever experienced that before.  45 minutes later I was back on the road.


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