London Pass

by WBlackwell on April 26, 2017

The London Pass gives free and expedited entry to a number of venues in The City and it’s environs for a one fee for 1,2 or 3 days.  It’s a pretty good deal since visiting 5-8 different places pretty much cover the cost of £75 for two days.

The first stop was Kensington Palace originally purchased by King William & Mary in 1689.  Princes Diana lived there for 15 years.  Current occupants are Prince William & Princess Kathrine, Prince Harry and cousins.  Obviously most of the palace is off limits but what is open to the public is loaded with art.  And, as always, remember to look up.

The big dresses are mantuas and the intent was to be able to show off the patterns in the material.

The chair was comfortable and OK to sit on.

But what probably brought 75% of the people in was the Princess Diana collection.


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