Tigh NA Mara Hotel Sandhead

by WBlackwell on April 28, 2015

Nice hotel with a good restaurant and pub. I found this property online as it was the nearest to the Mull of Galloway that I could find.  The lighthouse there is the most southernly point in mainland Scotland.  In an earlier post I spoke of visiting the western most point, Ardnarmurchan, tomorrow I’ll have two of the most extreme directional points in Scotland.


Apparently the Galloway peninsular is home to the largest rookery in the UK.  I’m trying to get a photo of these skitish members of the crow family.  Large birds with a grey face/bill. To hear them clamor is probably where the expression “murder of crows”, referring to a large gathering of crows, comes from.  Either it is because their noise sounds like bloody murder or that one would like to murder them!


Small sampling of crows nests.  There were hundreds.

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annie May 1, 2015 at 2:08 pm

any squirrels? Oh wait they are all here!!!!


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