University of Cambridge, St. John’s College & Jesus Walking

by WBlackwell on June 3, 2018

I’m always saying to look up.  When I spotted a group straining their necks looking up at one of the architecturally enhanced buildings it took a second to realize the attraction.

Apparently a pair of Paragon Falcons had nested and had produced at least one young.

As I turned away I noticed either Mom or Dad keeping an eye on the bairn.

I had no cash and to wander St. John’s there was a £10 minimum for the credit card so I asked if I could pay the fee and get £5 back cash.  No problem.


Delightfully quiet and tourist free, it was a couple of nice hours.

As I wandered this city I began to regret that as a college student I did not do a semester abroad.

Every college has a magnificent chapel

The Bridge of Sighs

Gardens and landscaping were top shelf

If you wait long enough everyone will leave your shot

What was the rear of this beautiful building like?

Ok, not walking with Jesus.  This park is called Jesus Green, but when I saw this lad setting up I sat on the roots of the tree he was anchored to and waited.  Damn!  I doubt I could have stayed on the strip if it were laying on the ground. 11 minutes



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